Los Angeles finest slingshot rental agency. We strive to provide exceptional customer service with every rental! A unique way to enjoy your time in the City of Angels, get ready to enjoy the beach, sun, breeze and have a memorable time with friends and family. Driving a
slingshot is an experience of a lifetime! We ensure you will enjoy our slingshot as much as we do!
Our Slingshots are equipped with car play, cruise control and, WIFI connectivity, premium speakers and plenty of horsepower behind the wheel. If you want to have an unforgettable experience here in hot
‘Lanta, rent one of our motorcycles and ride like a rockstar! Find us in the city with them for hourly rental or simply take one of our slings for the day.
Open hours

We stand behind our Superior Customer Service, which is what has made our customers come back time and time again. It is a fast and easy experience with us. Arrive at your hotel and we can be waiting for you with your slingshot rental, freshly washed and polished. Making a reservation is as easy as clicking our booking link or calling us directly for special week day rates to secure your favorite color.